Excel for mac 2011 nested if
Excel for mac 2011 nested if

While Excel will allow you to nest up to 64 different IF functions, it’s not at all advisable to do so. The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is FALSE.

excel for mac 2011 nested if

The value that you want returned if the result of logical_test is TRUE. Use the IF function, one of the logical functions, to return one value if a condition is true and another value if it's false. * “Nesting” refers to the practice of joining multiple functions together in one formula. Ideally, an IF statement should apply to minimal conditions, such as Male/Female, Yes/No/Maybe, to name a few, but sometimes you might need to evaluate more complex scenarios that require nesting* more than 3 IF functions together. IF statements are incredibly robust, and form the basis of many spreadsheet models, but they are also the root cause of many spreadsheet issues. The first result is if your comparison is True, the second if your comparison is False. =IF(Something is True, then do something, otherwise do something else) The IF function allows you to make a logical comparison between a value and what you expect by testing for a condition and returning a result if True or False.

#Excel for mac 2011 nested if windows#

Public Sub a_SaveAsTextWithDelimiter()Const MYFILE = "Macintosh HD/Users/darrenmason/Documents/Products/Creator NXT/Serials/"Const RowToSplit = 5Dim Last_Row As LongDim FileNum As IntegerDim Data As VariantDim i As LongDim lStartRow As LongFileNum = FreeFileLast_Row = Cells.Find("*",, ,, xlByRows, xlPrevious).RowFor i = RowToSplit To Last_Row Step RowToSplit Data = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range("a" & i & ":A" & i - 4).Value) Open MYFILE & "C2NXT_STD_" & (i \ RowToSplit) & "_" & (Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")) _ & ".Excel for Microsoft 365 Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac Excel for the web Excel 2021 Excel 2021 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel 2019 for Mac Excel 2016 Excel 2016 for Mac Excel 2013 Excel Web App Excel 2010 Excel 2007 Excel for Mac 2011 Excel for Windows Phone 10 Excel Starter 2010 More. Please do not forget to click “Vote as Helpful” if any post helps you and Public Sub a_SaveAsTextWithDelimiter()Const MYFILE = "Macintosh HD/Users/darrenmason/Documents/Products/Creator NXT/Serials/"Const RowToSplit = 5Dim Last_Row As LongDim FileNum As IntegerDim Data As VariantDim i As LongDim lStartRow As LongFileNum = FreeFileLast_Row = Cells.Find("*",, ,, xlByRows, xlPrevious).RowFor i = RowToSplit To Last_Row Step RowToSplit Data = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Range("a" & i & ":A" & i - 4).Value) Open MYFILE & "C2NXT_STD_" & (i \ RowToSplit) & "_" & (Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")) _ & ".txt" For Output As #FileNum Print #FileNum, Join(Data, vbCrLf) Close #FileNumNext iEnd Sub I am just trying give a stepline and hope you can carry forward to your exact solution. I am not sure whether in Mac the features supported but you can try. Open MYFILE & "C2NXT_STD_" & (My_Cell.Row \ 1000) & "_" & (Format(Date, "yyyymmdd")) & ".txt" For Output As #FileNum Open MYFILE & "C2NXT_STD.txt" For Output As #FileNum

excel for mac 2011 nested if

Set My_Range = ActiveSheet.Range("A1:A" & Last_Row) Find("*",, ,, xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row Find("*",, ,, xlB圜olumns, xlPrevious).Column Someone please help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance! Public Sub a_SaveAsTextWithDelimiter()Ĭonst MYFILE = "Macintosh HD/Users/darrenmason/Documents/Products/Creator NXT/Serials/" I had a working version of the script below on my windows machine, but now I'm trying to get it working in Excel 2011 for Mac. Just to preface everything, I'm a total vb hack - as in cut/copy/paste and try to make things work.

Excel for mac 2011 nested if